As 2015 comes to an end it's an ideal time to write about a brand new study that examines the immediate future for the global air freight market for both 2016 and beyond. The report has been published by Market Research Reports and is titled 'Global Airfreight Forwarding Market 2015-2019'.
The underlying news is extremely encouraging with consistent annual growth projected for the coming four years, specifically at a compounded annual rate of 3.58 percent for the period studied. Considering all of the global economic variables that can impact the industry the projection is remarkably healthy over an extended period of time.
The report itself comprises a seventy-five page study compiling expert market analysis from a number of air freight industry experts, commonalities noted which help to create the buoyant forecast are efficiencies that have led to more competitive pricing in tandem with services that better reflect customer needs and expectations.
In all an encouraging note to end the year on and one that should help reinforce belief in the overall health of the global air freight market for the coming year and those that follow. Naturally there are regional variations in growth as ever but the North American air freight market is positioned for a competitive new year.
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