Air Freight
Kalamazoo, MI
(616) 371 - 2000

Maximum Speed For Southwest Michigan: Speedy Air Freight Service Kalamazoo.
Located in southwest Michigan roughly halfway between Chicago and Detroit, Kalamazoo lies along one of the most important trade routes in the modern Midwest. That position and the trade that comes with it would be enough to solidify its economic importance, but Kalamazoo doesn’t stop there. This city of 76,000 has also amassed a vast array of business interests, being the home to major breweries, distilleries, food processing facilities, medical equipment production plants, life science research efforts, and other activities on the cutting edge of modern commerce and science. These and other activities have made Kalamazoo an economic powerhouse and a major source of prosperity for all of Michigan.

Air Freight Service Kalamazoo, Michigan is committed to the success of Kalamazoo and its innovative business interests. We are a premium air freight broker with a vast array of affiliated trucks, planes, drivers, and coordination personnel, all of which we leverage to achieve deliveries in under 24 hours. No matter the time of day, month, or year, we’re available to organize a delivery and get you the items you depend on. With on your team, your business can keep pushing the bounds of the possible, secure in the knowledge that you’ll always have the supplies you need to turn your ambition into reality.

Supply Networks
Kalamazoo’s wealth of business interests and strategic location come with many advantages, but they also tend to put a strain on the city’s supply networks. Having so many companies from such innovative fields in one place virtually guarantees that the city needs constant truckloads of supplies coming in. And while its location between Chicago and Detroit means it’s close to major trade routes and thus easier for suppliers to reach, it also means that those roads are constantly busy. Kalamazoo’s suppliers are thus always at risk of getting cut off, whether from traffic, closed or damaged roads, or the myriad complications that come with Michigan’s famously cold weather.

Air Freight Advantages
Weather, traffic, and road closures are no barrier to We serve Kalamazoo and all its southwest Michigan neighbors, including Lansing, South Haven, Portage, and Battle Creek. Our strategy and resources ensure that we’re always in a position to broker your delivery on time. | Kalamazoo, Michigan
We achieve such timely, reliable deliveries through:

Quick Starts
The key to keeping delivery times low is to avoid lengthy trips out to your supply point. achieves this by eliminating the need to go “out” at all; we’re already at your supply point, or at least close to it! Our affiliated trucks are stationed in every major city, town, and supply route on the continent; no matter where you get your supplies, we’re never more than a two hours’ drive from that location. This has the direct benefit of allowing us to get started on the order quickly and cut the delivery time nearly in half. It also gives us maximum flexibility, and thus puts us in the position to serve Kalamazoo businesses with challenging or unusual shipping needs. If you get your supplies from a relatively remote location, it may be hard to find a shipper that can bring them in on short notice. But no location is too remote for, and short notice is our speciality.

Continuous Deliveries
Not only does get started quickly, but we avoid having to stop in the middle of a delivery. Most brokers build in many hours for their truck drivers to sleep when they’re delivering at night, with the result that any shipment over a certain distance is guaranteed to be disrupted and drawn out. But we avoid this by sending all our affiliated drivers out two by two and instructing them to take turns driving. Whenever a driver isn’t at the wheel, they’re free to rest, sleep, eat, or otherwise recover from driving; their partner will then get a turn to do the same. Thus, they can keep the truck running through the night, all without becoming too tired to complete the job safely. Not only is this good for our drivers, but it lets you enjoy quicker deliveries, all while ensuring that no matter what time of day you order the shipment, you can expect the same quick results.

Coordinated Resources
As our name implies, offers air cargo services in addition to deliveries by truck. These services allow us to traverse thousands of miles in a matter of hours, so that whether your items come from Hawaii, Florida, Oaxaca, Vancouver, or Nova Scotia, we can get them to you the same day you order them. To further speed up and simplify the delivery process, we coordinate our air resources with our ground ones. When you need an air delivery, we not only schedule you space on the next available flight from your starting point to Kalamazoo, but also dispatch one of our trucks to pick those items up and bring them to the airport. Then, while they’re in the air, we’ll dispatch another truck to the Kalamazoo airport to pick them up and ferry them the rest of the way. In this way, we achieve an airtight delivery so that you don’t have to do anything other than wait for your items to arrive.

Avoiding the Unexpected prides itself on not being caught off guard. We plan each delivery so as to minimize the risk that our truck or plane gets delayed, whether by storms, closed roads, airport repairs, or any other disruptive issues. Of course, these issues sometimes come out of nowhere, and thus can’t be fully accounted for in our plans. But whenever an unexpected disruption occurs, we’ll know immediately because we so carefully track our orders. And our team will take evasive action to keep the order on schedule, whether by chartering a new flight, shifting the order to a new road, or taking any other necessary measures.
To learn more about air freight Kalamazoo solutions or schedule your next order, call at (800) 713-1000.
Air Charter Freight
Whether facing ultracritical deliverydeadlines or arranging transport from aremote location, it’s vital to use the rightaircraft. Here’s what makes us special—and key information about our fleet.
Blog and Resource Center
How Solved a PGA Tour Shipping Emergency
Learn how located a lost shipment and helped save the PGA Golf Tour.
How Saved The Farm By Solving A Major Shipping Delay
Learn how we saved a Montana-based artisanal farm thousands of dollars by expediting a shipment of perishable goods.
Expedited Shipping Vendor Comparison
We’ve done the research for you. This vendor comparison sheet breaks down how stacks up against the competition.