Air Freight
Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 371 - 2000

Air Freight Service Grand Rapids: Speedy Delivery Solutions For Every Business.
Grand Rapids, Michigan is a city that wears many hats. Its nicknames alone reveal myriad business and economic affiliations: it’s been known as the “Furniture City” for its historic furniture manufacturing industry; the “Beer City” for its renowned breweries; and the “River City” for its strategic location along the Grand River, a major North American trade route for thousands of years. It is thus no exaggeration to say that the Grand Rapids economy has contained and continues to contain multitudes. From cleaning product manufacturers like Bistell to stretch wrap producers like Highlight Industries to food distributors like SpartanNash to aerospace companies like GE Aviation, there’s no shortage of innovative companies located in this city.

Air Freight Grand Rapids serves these companies and all of the Grand Rapids economy, ensuring that no local business runs out of their critical supplies. As the specialized air freight service Grand Rapids has long depended on for quick shipments, we connect the city to suppliers throughout Michigan and across North America. We have a vast network of affiliated delivery vehicles and cargo planes, which we use to plan and execute comprehensive, airtight shipments. The moment your standard supplier fails to deliver on time, we’ll be ready to take over, so you and the rest of Grand Rapids can get back to business.

Grand Rapids Shipping Challenges
Between its long economic history and its advanced modern enterprises, Grand Rapids is both an old and a new city, with all the benefits and challenges that come with each description. As an old city, Grand Rapids has a proven foundation for future success, but also depends on infrastructure and urban planning that wasn’t created with modern needs in mind. As a new city, Grand Rapids has a wealth of opportunities available for future growth, but isn’t always aware of the obstacles to maintaining that growth. Future success for Grand Rapids, then, is a paradox.
Nowhere is this paradox more clear than in shipping. Grand Rapids businesses wouldn’t have come so far if they didn’t know how to organize successful deliveries. But those deliveries are always at risk from the city’s limited road space, high traffic volume, and tight shipping schedules. Continued success means staying ahead of these problems even as the city’s delivery needs continue to grow in tandem with the size and complexity of its economy.

Staying Ahead of Logistical Problems is an expert at staying ahead of logistical problems. We serve businesses in Grand Rapids and other communities across Michigan, including Muskegon, Wyoming, Lansing, and Holland. Each of these towns has grown beyond the original capacity of its supply lines and infrastructure, yet we’ve managed to keep each fully supplied. Thanks to our proven shipping strategy, we’re prepared for any logistical challenges the future might bring.
Our shipping strategy has many facets, but the most important by far is the quality of our personnel. Every member of the team, employee or affiliate, has gone through a thorough vetting process. For our affiliated drivers, we look deep into their backgrounds and track records to make sure we can trust them to deliver your items rapidly without ever sacrificing safety. For our coordination team, we make sure they have the training and skills required to coordinate a vast array of shipping resources, including both planes and ground vehicles, all over the continent and on short timespans. And for our affiliated airlines, we confirm not only that they store cargo safely and keep as closely to their schedules as weather and air traffic allow, but also that they provide flexible service that we can tailor to your unique delivery needs. In short, we make sure only the best people and companies are involved in every stage of your delivery so that that delivery goes off without a hitch.

Comprehensive Shipping Network
Besides finding the best people and firms to partner with, we also take pains to get out ahead of your order. The most important way we do this is by building as large and comprehensive a shipping network as possible. Our affiliated trucks and vans aren’t all concentrated in Grand Rapids, or any other city for that matter. Instead, they’re spread out across the continent; virtually every major US, Mexican, and Canadian town, along with other strategic locations for shipping, has our vehicles and drivers in it. By spreading ourselves out over such a vast area, we make sure that we can reach and load up your supplies in no more than two hours, and thus that it’s never more than two hours until we’re on the road to Grand Rapids or to the airport. In this way, we reduce delivery times by leaps and bounds while keeping our services maximally flexible. | Grand Rapids, Michigan
A quick start won’t do much good if our trucks or planes get blocked shortly thereafter:

Ground Routes
To avoid this, painstakingly plans our services so as to avoid any delivery obstacle. We plot ground routes that require as few road changes as possible, on roads with as high speed limits as possible, and along routes with as low a risk of storms, road damage, or traffic jams as possible.

Air Deliveries
For air deliveries, we minimize the number of connecting flights, avoid flying through airports with air traffic or weather problems, and maintain the ability to charter new flights if the ones we originally scheduled don’t work out. Through these measures, we ensure deliveries that are quick and consistent.

Tracking Technology
Further ensuring consistency is our use of advanced tracking technology to monitor our shipments while they’re in flight or on the road. We triangulate this tracking data with weather and traffic reports so that if your goods are ever on track to get caught in an unexpected jam or storm, we’ll know in time to steer them around that problem. Our tracking data also allows us to give you precise updates on your goods’ location, which we’ll provide whenever you ask for them.
To learn more about or set up your next order, call (800) 713-1000.
Air Charter Freight
Whether facing ultracritical deliverydeadlines or arranging transport from aremote location, it’s vital to use the rightaircraft. Here’s what makes us special—and key information about our fleet.
Blog and Resource Center
How Solved a PGA Tour Shipping Emergency
Learn how located a lost shipment and helped save the PGA Golf Tour.
How Saved The Farm By Solving A Major Shipping Delay
Learn how we saved a Montana-based artisanal farm thousands of dollars by expediting a shipment of perishable goods.
Expedited Shipping Vendor Comparison
We’ve done the research for you. This vendor comparison sheet breaks down how stacks up against the competition.