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Air Freight Hawaii
(808) 845 - 4577

Hawaii's businesses create intricate strategies to stay supplied. But no matter how well a supply line is organized, it’s bound to break down sooner or later. AirFreight.com offers the solution to any problems with your supply line.  As an urgent air freight expeditor, we can coordinate airborne cargo deliveries into Hawaii from thousands of miles away, all within 24 hours. Trust us to react quickly to any shipping emergency and bring your company back to business as usual without delay.

Hawaii Urgent Air Cargo Dispatch For Your Business

With its beautiful beaches, smooth surfing, and extensive deep sea fishing opportunities, Hawaii is best known for its tourism industry. But while tourism is certainly important to the state, its economy is far more complex than that. Hawaii also has a booming agricultural industry, producing everything from sugar to honey to meat to pineapple to coffee. These and other products provide a steady stream of wealth and jobs, but they also create serious supply needs, not all of which can be met within the archipelago.

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Air Freight’s Streamlined Process


Single point of contact

Work with the same expeditor during your shipment’s entire process–no annoying call centers!
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shipment-to-vehicle matching system

We carefully match the size and weight of your shipment to the right vehicle.
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Vetted & exclusive carriers

We work with vetted, experienced carriers, so you get one vehicle for the entire delivery process exclusive.
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real-time monitoring & alerts

Our GPS tracking technology lets us know exactly where your shipment is at all times.
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Types of Vehicles


Important Freight Solutions For Hawaii

Air Freight Hawaii

Essential Air Delivery Services

For businesses operating on a chain of islands thousands of miles away from the mainland United States, having an air delivery backup is essential. Maritime shipping may suffice to meet your standard logistics needs, but if a ship doesn’t arrive on time or, for some other reason, you fall short of supplies, you can’t just wait for the next container boat. AirFreight.com offers the backup you need by coordinating speedy flights into Hawaii. We both charter new flights and book space on existing flights, in each case moving quickly by relying on our network of close cargo airline affiliates. No matter where in the US, Mexico, or Canada your supplies come from, we’ll find or set up a flight that will bring them promptly to Hawaii. We’ll then monitor that flight, take any corrective action necessary, and keep your supplies on track until you have them in your hands.

Air Freight Team Hawaii

Single Point of Contact (SPOC)

Businesses scrambling to make up for supply shortfalls never want to be in the dark. With AirFreight.com, they never have to. When one of our clients in Hawaii wants information on an order while it’s underway, they need only call the number for our single point of contact (SPOC). As soon as they do this, they’ll speak directly with the team that is in charge of their order. That team can tell them where the supplies are and how much time remains before they arrive, and they can also offer detailed information on what lies on the route ahead. Likewise, a new client can call the SPOC to learn about our services: what they are, how they work, and which options are available for a quick air delivery to Hawaii. When you work with AirFreight.com, you’ll never lack information on your supplies.


Concierge-Level Customer Service

Because businesses in Hawaii have such unique supply needs, they’re often not content to place an order with an expeditor and then just wait for it to arrive. Many want to actively manage their order, weighing in on key questions and reserving final decisions for their own discretion. With AirFreight.com, you will always be free to play this role. From the moment you call and ask about our services, we’ll actively seek your input, laying out our different air coordination options and encouraging you to select the one you think is best. Similarly, if we have to make any changes to the order while it’s on its way, we can involve you in those as well; for instance, if one connecting flight is canceled, and we have to switch to another, we will ask you about the different options. Hands-on businesses receive the hands-on service they need from AirFreight.com, no matter the circumstances.

Air Freight

Hawaiian businesses that need quick delivery from thousands of miles away are often best served by standard air freight. AirFreight.com has the expertise to coordinate these deliveries into Hawaii at a moment’s notice. As soon as we know what you need shipped, we’ll contact all the affiliated airlines in the region and find out what their scheduled flights are. If there’s one direct flight to Hawaii within your deadline, we’ll book you space on it; if there are multiple such flights, we’ll find the most reliable one for your cargo and book that; and if there are no direct flights, we’ll find the requisite connecting flights and book each of them. We’ll then work with ground carriers near your starting point to drop your cargo off at the airport; and we’ll call on ground carriers in Hawaii to bring your items from the airport to you.

Air Freight Hawaii

Air Charter

Another solution for bringing your items thousands of miles in a matter of hours is to charter a new flight. This air charter option is especially helpful for companies that get their supplies from a particularly remote location on the continent; those locations often don’t have a lot of scheduled flights at all, let alone flights that go to Hawaii or a reasonable connecting point. AirFreight.com is proud to partner with our affiliated airlines on such a close level that they’re willing to charter new flights for our clients. When you order an air charter, you can count on not just speed but also exclusivity, since no one’s supplies will be in the cargo hold except for yours.

Air Charter Hawaii

Same-Day Hand-Carry

Speed and exclusivity are highly valuable in expedited shipping, but so are safety and confidentiality. AirFreight.com works hard to keep all our orders safe and confidential. But for clients with smaller, more sensitive orders, we can go above and beyond by offering same-day hand-carry. For this service, a courier will travel to your starting location to take your items to the airport. That courier won’t let go of your items at any point, accompanying them on the flight and transporting them directly to you once the flight lands. All these couriers are part of our network of affiliates, made up of professionals whom we trust to take good, proactive care of the items.

Same-Day Hand-Carry Hawaii

Explore All Shipping Options

Air Cargo

With air cargo express shipping, a cargo delivery can be made within the U.S., Canada, or Mexico in just hours.
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Air Charter

AirFreight.com’s air charter services specialize in arranging aircraft charter and jet services, emergency air charter services, and international charters for time-critical freight shipments.
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Air Freight

Our air freight broker services offer clients an efficient way to send expedited and urgent freight.
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Expedited Truckload

Whether you need a dedicated truck, flatbed, van, reefer, or a team, AirFreight.com’s expedited truckload services have you covered.

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Hot Shot Trucking

Our hot shot trucking services are ideal for large cargo that may have unconventional weight, dimensions, or packaging.

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Same-Day Delivery

Emergencies happen. Standard deliveries can go wrong. To ensure your time-critical freight reaches its destination, AirFreight.com offers same-day delivery services.

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What Our Customers Say

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